I have been getting merrily drunk on Friday evenings for the best part of 25 years, this is something I am neither proud or ashamed of if I am honest, it is the common action of the proletarian male at the end of a working week. During this time the venues for this behaviour have moderated from trawling night clubs in search of the last girl standing, to a stage where I am having semi coherent debates in country pubs about centre ground politics ...
Talking is the most sociable of things and virtually everyone adapts this form of communication to suit their own style of getting their message across. It is quite remarkable that in a world featuring 100 million different living creatures including, at the last count, 4260 mammals, we are the only living species that communicates by talking, unless of course you include a dog on That's Life whose owner claims it can say "sau-sa-ges." Gorillas ...
I must start this post by issuing an apology to anyone who was offended by my recent references to Deirdre Barlow and vigorous masturbation in the search for fitness. I openly admit that these references could be seen as bad taste and puerile in nature. I have, in the past few days, tried to understand why I posted such vulgar content and what spurred me to do it. I have come up with a combination of reasons as seen below.
Relief at sore ...
There have been a couple of instances this week that have had me wondering about what defines hero status and why, as we get older, we idolise people less and less, except perhaps our own children or parents. The incidents that triggered these thoughts were very diverse, but in their own professional circles they were lavished with similar praise. Firstly there was Reading football manager Brian McDermott signing a new contract after overtures ...
These days, to keep fit, I spend my time in the stench of middle England at the local gymnasium. I plough a lonely furrow on a running machine, I sit on bits of equipment that loosely resemble push bikes and rowing boats and I try to do sit ups and lift up weights as well as resembling a windmill in a force nine on a humiliating piece of machinery that is called a cross trainer. This battle against being described as rotund is a desperate one, ...