
Promotion Party Featuring an Obligatory Bob Crisis……..

Posted on April 18, 2012

On an amazing evening at the Madjeski Stadium last night Reading FC achieved promotion to the promised land that is the Premier League for the second time in six years. It was an incredible achievement from a team that languished in the bottom three in October but have somehow amassed 46 out of the last 51 points available. It couldn't have been scripted better for Reading fans, with fifteen minutes remaining, the news of West Ham's draw at ...

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Southampton v Reading….What a Night!!!

Posted on April 15, 2012

A couple years ago, I thought I was losing my appetite for football, it felt like the continued renewal of my season ticket was for sociable rpurposes only as it has been the best way of keeping in touch with old friends I would only see rarely otherwise. However since George has become so passionate about watching Reading it has re-ignited me to such an extent I have even started going to away games again, I had honestly forgotten what a laugh ...

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Now That Fabrice Muamba is Getting Better…….

Posted on March 27, 2012

Because I anticipated vitriol, I decided not to comment on Fabrice Muamba until I knew he was going to survive, but now it is obvious he will, I can ask this question. What is it with the British public and their obsession with the prospect of having someone to mourn? Of course, as it happens, Muamba let his adopted nation down last week by having audacity to survive a massive heart attack courtesy of, not a miracle as some are stating, but ...

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Re-Posts….What a Load of Old Bollocks!

Posted on March 25, 2012

One thing I have really started to dislike on Facebook lately are re-posts, they are like a modern day chain letter..........re-post this if you don't what to die of a hideous illness, re-post if your love our boys in Afghanistan, re-post this if you don't want your kids interfered with by a Catholic Priest...re-post this if you thing we should bring back hanging etc etc etc. I try to ignore them, but I also have a perverted streak in me that ...

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Cheating Punished With a Trip to Peterborough!

Posted on March 21, 2012

Lending to the theory that cheats never prosper, I took a trip to watch Reading play at Peterborough last night and I got my just rewards on an evening when nothing went to plan. Horrendous traffic on the M3 around the M25 and all the way up the A1 meant that George and I arrived about forty five minutes before kick off, just enough time to get bored to death by some oddball Peterborough fan whose daughter once played for Tottenham Ladies FC. ...

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