Organising an 80th Birthday
I have had various phone calls in recent days from my Dad, sister and eldest brother with regards to my Dad's forthcoming 80th Birthday to be held at a local village hall. Obviously, with the hall booked, this left the arrangements of the catering, music, and invitations to be dealt with. The initial phone call with my sister left me thinking that I was to be charged with the impossible task of planning the music, though after a phone call with ...
Britain–Home of the Pantomime Villain
We can't resist a pantomime villain in this country, it seems that a new one is turning up on a weekly or even a daily basis. In the last seven days alone we have had Stephen Hester (RBS Boss) Fabio Cappello (England boss) and Abu Quatada (boss of evil axis of extreme Islamic terrorism). Stephen Hester has turned down his £1m bonus and Cappello has been resigned, yet Quatada, a threat to the whole human race if you believe the tabloids, is ...
Hurry up Harry?
It already seems along time ago, but it was only Tuesday when the most extraordinary set of circumstances in the sporting world occurred. When we woke up Harry Redknapp was staring at the possibly of a reputation and career in ruins, yet incredibly, by the time we sat down to eat our tea, he was being hailed as the savior of English football after the sensational resignation of Fabio Cappello, the nations latest pantomime villain after the ...
Snow Hysteria as the FA Reach a New Low
Quite what the good citizens of Poland, Russia and the Ukraine ( where it has been -35c) would have made of us so called stoical Brits had they tuned in to BBC News 24 in the last day or so is anyone's guess. It seems that every time we get seasonal weather (in this case winter) the media get that little bit more hysterical, our latest smattering of the white stuff being described as a "major snow event" causing travel chaos across the country. ...
Watching Paint Dry, Humidity & Learning to Play Cricket.
Anyone who reads my blog regularly will know that two of my favorite hobbies are studying the weather along with watching and playing the wonderful game of cricket, these are two subjects that to many people are about as interesting as coating a wall with vinyl matt emulsion and spending the afternoon watching it dry. Funnily enough there is a link between all three of these subjects that led to the writing of this particular blog................