
Is The Heatwave Caused by an Eastern European Influx?

Posted on June 21, 2017

A joint study by The Daily Mailygraph and Daily Expression claims that the hot weather that has hit Britain this week is likely to have been caused by uncontrolled immigration into the country. The study carried out by Richard Littlecock and Anne Wobblybum, claims that the rise in land mass caused by the exodus of Bulgarians, Romanians and Poles, has blocked hot air coming up from the Azores and diverted it towards Britain, where it has ...

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Mick the London Firefighter – A Change in Order?

Posted on June 17, 2017

When I saw the tweet from Mick, a London firefighter and the following reactions to it, it gave me hope amongst the misery, that ordinary folk have had enough of media barons distorting the truth to protect their own. When I saw the utter disdain and contempt aimed at The Daily Mail after they published a picture of the guy whose fridge allegedly blew up in the Grenfell flats, it gave me further hope. All that on top of an election ...

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Freedom From the Paralysis of too Many Choices!

Posted on June 15, 2017

I was listening to BBC Radio 5 Live the other day and there was an interview on there with an Australian author called Tim Winton. Now, I don't know whether it is ignorance on my part but I a don't think I have heard of Tim Winton before. It was a striking interview with someone who seemed an interesting chap, in fact, interesting enough for me to download one of his books. As the interview developed, he explained how he came to be an ...

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May Stands Firm in the Coalition Rubble

Posted on June 10, 2017

Well, go on then, pick the bones out of that. It is almost becoming a habit for sitting Tory MP's to call presumptuous and arrogant elections only to find themselves smacked square in the face with a metaphorical custard pie. Cameron did the honourable thing and walked after his referendum nightmare, May has not, despite wrecking the careers of her own MP's who are now needlessly out of work. Her election was based on a landslide predict...

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Corbyn’s Campaign in Vain?

Posted on June 7, 2017

As the last day of full day of campaigning draws to a close, it appears that many people think the election is going to throw up odd results and is very unpredictable. However, I think it will be more straightforward than that, unless the under 24's come out in big numbers and those in traditional Tory sectors such as the police and the armed services have decided they have had enough of what austerity has offered them, which is precisely ...

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