
How do You Get Your Head Around the Slaughter of Kids?

Posted on May 23, 2017

When someone gets killed in the line of duty trying to stop a violent attack, be it in the armed services or the police, rather than justify it, I can at least understand how it happens. When these ladies and gentleman join up, they are made aware that there may come a day when they come face to face with death. If you are a police officer in a big city or a soldier tip toeing through land mines in enemy territory, there will come a time when ...

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The New iPhone 7

Posted on May 19, 2017

Well, my upgrade from iPhone 6s to iPhone 7 was remarkably straightforward, without the standard frustration and adrenalin rush that comes from being asked for passwords you had no idea you had ever created. Normally, these are something easy to remember, like B0b@l3th@bY-Re@d1ngFc followed by the surname of a second cousin's pet hamster. I had to reset my password on Sage accounts the other day and on virtually every attempt I was told I ...

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Corporation Tax and How it Works!

Posted on May 17, 2017

Because I run a small business, I am aware of corporation tax and the workings of it. This is not because I am particularly interested in accounts, I just have to be aware of these things so I know when to pay tax on any profits I might make. Due to my general lack of ambition and a preference to walking my dog and playing cricket, my profits are negligible, but I happily pay tax on them nonetheless. So, corporation tax works like this. If ...

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Embarking on the Variants of Shame

Posted on May 11, 2017

I was driving along the other day when I came to a set of temporary traffic lights. As they turned to green, I drove past the stationary traffic waiting at the other end and raised my hand from the steering wheel to acknowledge those who had let me past. Suddenly, I realised that no one was acknowledging me back because of course, they weren't actually giving way to me, they were waiting at a red light. So with an overwhelming and irrational ...

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Can Labour Avoid a Landslide?

Posted on May 5, 2017

From the little I have seen from the council elections  today, the Labour Party look like they are going to get a Michael Foot style trouncing in the general election in a couple of weeks time. Of course, this was always going to be the case where I live in North West Hampshire where the landowners and their serfs traditionally vote in large numbers for the status quo. I accept that is the way it is down this way, with my Labour vote ...

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