
A Trip to Cork!

Posted on November 20, 2017

The first thing you notice when travelling to Cork is that if you ask anyone for directions you could be there for some time, as they do love to talk. The first time we did this we asked a chap if there were any traditional pubs he would recommend. He asked if we had been to Ireland before and whether we were expecting to see people River Dancing down the street before offering us a plethora of choices. We ended up in a bar called ...

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Turning 50

Posted on November 16, 2017

I have been quite reflective about turning 50 this week, with a few events happening around me that were unforeseen but challenging and exciting at the same time. It was 10 years ago this week when I realised that I was no longer going to be married and it has certainly been ten years that have rarely been boring, if not a bit of a roller coaster at times. What does seem to happen in our 40's is that relationships will undergo severe tests ...

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Theresa May, Dacre’s Banquet and Human Empathy!

Posted on November 9, 2017

I have not known many very wealthy people in my time. I have known a few who have done quite well but I have only ever known one who worked with and mixed with the people at the very top of city institutions earning money that would make a Premier League footballer wince. She was a financial director in the City of London, born and educated from 'good stock' and making what I would consider extraordinary amounts of money. I always quite ...

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Cabinet Minister Did Nothing Wrong!

Posted on November 8, 2017

Under pressure cabinet minister, Pritti Narstee, says she did nothing wrong after bumping into a leading figure of the Israeli Army in a queue for a water slide at Aqualand in Portugal. Narstee, who is the former chair of the the campaign group 'Enemies of Palestine' denies that she organised the meeting with Israeli delegate, Iyam Reelinasti, and that the coming together at the Algarve attraction was purely coincidental. It is claimed ...

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A Working Man’s Austerity is a Rich Man’s Paradise!

Posted on November 7, 2017

I doubt very much that the Queen of England knew what her financial team were doing with the £10 million they stuck in offshore accounts to avoid tax. I can't imagine that she turned to Prince Philip and said, "Phillip, one has found ten million pounds under the mattress and one is wondering how one can avoid being taxed on it?" When you think about it, the Queen probably doesn't even know what money is as she never uses it. She never ...

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