If you are someone who has just Googled in attempt to find some rather amusing stories about what happened to Glasgow's eighties soul popsters Wet Wet Wet, you are about to be disappointed. The basis of this particular Blog is not about how the Wet’s released a cover version of "Love is all Around" and in the process made an ageing Andover based rock star and crop circle obsessive an unlikely millionaire in the summer of 1994, and it is not ...
To get away from the pressures of being a top class cricket manager and all the political scandals that are going on at the moment, I went off on a trip with my youngest son to a sunny Paultons Park today?. It actually turned out to be quite a poignant one, as now he has just turned thirteen, it will probably be the last time I visit the place, unless of course I am still on the planet when my son's have children of ...
As more and more dirt is being dished out on a daily basis it is becoming more and more difficult to begin to understand how the mess that is the hacking scandal is going to be sorted out. If you have bent coppers, bent journalists, bent politicians and bent judges where the hell do you begin? The News International Group has got itself in to such a position of power, that to uncover all the wrong doing over the last 25 years is a task that is ...
The Cricket scandal has now moved from within the clubs involved to the the hierarchy at the League. There is now a stand off between the clubs that has got so serious that a trained mediator may have to step in. The crux of the matter is this: There is no way that the guy from the other club is going to accept he was wrong and there is no way we are going to accept he wasn't, the two clubs are poles apart. One option is a ...
The Under 15 cricket team I am running has this season had unprecedented success to date this year, winning eleven out of eleven games played so far in a season that is consisting of no fewer than eighteen fixtures in just over two months. We entered in to the North Hants league two teams consisting of virtually the same players, the idea being that the better players get to do all the bowling and batting at the higher level and ...