
Camping in Swanage

Posted on August 6, 2011

We have now returned from our annual trip to Swanage and for once it was a week of almost wall to wall sunshine with a deluge on Wednesday night/Thursday morning being the exception to the norm. The management of the campsite that we stay at is under threat, so sadly, this may be our last year at this venue which is perfect for large groups featuring noisy kids, pit fires and a lust for raucous boozy evening?s. The new owners ...

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The Dejection of Defeat

Posted on July 28, 2011

Our little cricket team bowed out in the most miserable fashion last night, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in a reverse of fortunes that was every bit as desperate as the England penalty shoot outs and Reading play off failures I have witnessed over the years. George, my son, pumped up with aggressive enthusiasm tore through three of the opening batsmen as Yateley collapsed in disarray, our fielders were catching everything and ...

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The Murdoch’s-Yesterday’s Chip Paper

Posted on July 26, 2011

Well folks what an extraordinary tragic weekend of news we have just experienced with the massacre in Norway and the sadly predictable death of the mercurial unstable talent that was Amy Winehouse. As the people of Norway and the family and fans of Amy winehouse come to terms with their losses what is more sad than anything is the fact that the Murdoch’s and News International will have cried an almighty "Thank fuck for that" as bad news ...

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Pink Floyd etc etc…………

Posted on July 21, 2011

I have recently embarked on my latest once in a decade attempt to listen to Pink Floyd and actually enjoy what I am hearing. I have attempted this now at ten or eleven, my early twenties and my early thirties so as I approach forty four it really is high time I gave them another bash as I am perpetually told by Floyd fans (proper Pink Floyd fans remove the Pink bit) that if I am a genuine fan of good music I should really have a Pink Floyd ...

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Posted on July 19, 2011

One of the Dad's who helps me out at cricket has suggested that I should write a book about my five years as a coach of our Colts team. There is a lot of action packed in to that period but it is extremely doubtful that to anyone outside Oakley CC it would make better reading than your average autobiography of which there are so many, most of them which are pretty awful, self indulgent and lacking humour. I went through a period ...

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