For one evening every week, I am girlfriend and children free, so I have been spending this time going room by room on a clutter removal project. My house is only a little two up two down but it is remarkable how much utter crap I have chucked out and even more remarkable the crap that was here when I arrived that I have only just thrown out or had repaired. When I bought this house in October 2009 it had been painted white throughout to make it ...
As a season ticket holder of Reading FC, I was quite staggered to hear the news at the weekend that the son of a Russian billionaire was going through the process of purchasing the club from current owner John Madjeski. Anyone who is interested in the club will know that he has been trying to offload the Royals for some time, enabling him to recoup his interest free loan that helped the club to rise to its current status as a mid to upper ...
I read two posts from fellow Bloggers this week that have stuck in my head since, one was written by Nick Mabey on his Create Waves website and was titled "Playing Devils Advocate" whilst the other was written by Craig Killick and carried the rather controversial title "Why Mission Statements are Wank." Whilst the titles of these two blogs don't immediately link together, both statements are related to what actually makes people creative and how ...
George and I went to Watford to watch Reading play on Saturday, it was my first away day game for many years and a nostalgia trip as to how football used to be before the stadiums were upgraded and sanitized in to modern arenas fit for all kinds of sports and pop concerts.
Of course these changes are a good thing, stadiums are clean, the WC facilities are use-able without the need for a series of injections and women & children can visit ...
As I very nearly predicted my new iPhone arrived just at that point of the day on Wednesday when tiredness sets in (6.00pm) so for once in my life I took the sensible route and left the demands of setting it up until Wednesday morning. At this point I have to hold my hands up in the air and say that the new iPhone is the best bit of technology I have ever set my hands upon. Quite frankly, it is Bob proof, a problem that a succession of mobile ...