
Career Opportunities

Posted on June 20, 2013

I received an email from the college the other day bemoaning the fact that George is not showing a commitment to what he wants to do when he leaves college and failing do a "Personal Statement." Wow, that's all a bit grown up isn't? As far as I can recall (It is a long time ago now) when I was seventeen I was still several years away from knowing who I was, let alone what I wanted to do. Unless someone has a set childhood dream of being a ...

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Big Brother Versus the Whistleblowers

Posted on June 13, 2013

Right, first of all, let me apologise for the probable poor grammar and content of this post. This is because I am writing it on my girlfriends iPad. The reason it is her iPad is because I don't have one because in my wisdom I didn't think I needed one and brought a kindle instead. Sadly, this money saving exercise was a false economy as my kindle is boring and iPads are great. Now I have publicly admitted my misguided frugality, it is ...

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What Drives You Mad About Your Partner?

Posted on June 7, 2013

I was sat having a glass of wine with my girlfriend the other day, when out of the blue, she asked me the following question. "What is it about me that annoys you the most?" This question took me somewhat by surprise and I didn't really know what to say, so like a trained politician, I turned the question on its head. “I don't know really, what is it about me that annoys you?"  I could almost hear her brain turning over as she ...

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The Mystery of Our Plumbing Heroes!

Posted on June 4, 2013

I was outside my house the other day when I witnessed the extraordinary sight of my neighbour worshiping a man leaving her house by using powerful words such as "hero" and "life saver." Was this gentleman a surgeon who had just carried out lifesaving heart surgery? Was he a brave police officer who had foiled an armed burglar? Hell no, he was a plumber of course, a man whose trade has somehow reached a ludicrous state of elevation. After I ...

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BT Infinity…A Premature Celebration?

Posted on May 30, 2013

I had a knock on my door the other day from my neighbour, who proceeded to put her hands in the air and say; "Yay... at last, I've got BT Infinity." "What you have it now...Wow....what's it like?" "Well I haven't got it yet, but I have ordered it." Her naivety was so profound, I felt like hugging her and telling her not worry and that everything would be all right in the end. BT has had me on the brink of suicide more times than I ...

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