Bullshit Arguments and the Schengen System
I was in a little pub a while back where I was half involved in a conversation with people I vaguely knew, this being on the basis that I had said hello to them a few times before. The eldest guy then said..."Well, when it gets to the point you have no control over your own borders, it is time to leave!". "We have control of our borders though" said one of the fellow drinkers. "NO... WE...DO...NOT!" he replied "He's right" I piped ...
One Thousand up for Christmas!
I have just noticed that this is blog is number one thousand since I started writing for a hobby way back in 2008. That is a lot of blog posts but judging by the fact that they take roughly an hour to produce, I would need to write nine thousand more to become an expert at blogging. This figure is based on the theory that to become an expert at anything takes ten thousand hours of practice, whether it be sport, maths, chess, writing or ...
The Ennoblement of Preposterous Tales!
I was walking my dog the other day when I bumped into an elderly woman who I see sporadically on the more hidden trails of Danebury and Longstock. A quirky lady, as wide as she is tall, she always has a good yarn to tell, never letting the truth get in the way of a good story. However, I have noticed that since the bizarre events surrounding the election of Donald Trump and the 2016 referendum in the UK, she has become more and more ...
Ashes Failure is Another Disaster For Participation in Cricket
If you don't know anything about cricket or are not interested, let me apologise for this blog. If you don't know anything about cricket but you are interested anyway, the England cricket team flew into Australia a couple of weeks ago seriously undermanned and, if we are realistic, without a hope in current Ashes series. A combination of lack of ability, lack of form and off the field incidents involving their talisman (Ben Stokes) left the ...
Badge of Honour Dimwits Lost in a Sea of Sovereignty
When the government was defeated over the final Brexit agreement, it was a victory for parliamentary sovereignty over the threat of unchallenged autonomy. In a normal world that would be a victory for the people who elected their MP's to represent them. 309 MP's from across all parties, decided that when a final deal had been achieved by the Brexit delegates, it would then be put to a parliamentary vote to agree its content. This halts any ...