
How to Choose a Good Wine!

Posted on January 17, 2018

I was in Tesco at lunchtime today when a lady of about seventy approached me in the alcohol aisle (my favourite place) and asked if I could help her find a good red wine. I decided that I would take this request as me looking sophisticated rather than like an alcoholic and proceeded to ask her what her preferred price range was. "Oooh, I don't know, six or seven pounds, I suppose", she said. With that in mind, my job was simplified and ...

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Cyrile Regis

Posted on January 16, 2018

I was going to do a little piece on Cyril Regis last night but I decided not to as former players like Dion Dublin and Brian Deane did it much better and unlike me, knew him well. For people of my age group Cyril Regis was something of a phenomenon because back in the 1970's white footballers still had legs like they were about to snap and pasty looking faces courtesy ciggies, booze and wild women. In contrast, Regis was built like an ...

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Carillion Goes Bust!

Posted on January 16, 2018

Here are my thoughts on Carillion going into liquidation today. It is a bad day for the construction industry and will have far reaching consequences for subcontractors and suppliers. Don't worry, it is not a trend towards Vlog only posts as I prefer writing but I thought this one was worthy. I only hope that individuals will be made accountable for their behaviour and those who paid themselves huge bonuses based on false accounting will ...

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First Attempt at a Vlog – Spackman, The Troggs and Panes

Posted on January 12, 2018

This is my first ever attempt at a Vlog and believe me it is not easy and much harder than writing as you have to try to keep flowing whereas when you write, you can take a break and have a cup of tea. I have done this as an experiment after one of the lads at the cricket club told me it was the new form of blogging, so we'll just see how it goes. This one was inspired by looking into the details of a an ugly old building near where I live ...

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Catherine Deneuve, #MeToo and Sexual Harassment!

Posted on January 11, 2018

I always thought that if any woman was to speak out against the #MeToo campaign that swept around the world in the light of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, she would be French. I don't know why to be honest; it is probably just a dubious stereotype I have seeded in my brain with regards the French and their attitude to sex. However tenuous my links to French women and liberal sexual abandon are, it was indeed a French woman, the actress, ...

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