
Record Vacancies isn’t a Good Thing

Posted on August 13, 2022

When Boris Johnson got resigned, he left office boasting of record vacancies. This was parroted by his supporters as a wonderful achievement. It’s not though is it. Not Enough People The reason there is record vacancies is because there are not enough people to do the jobs. I am not an expert in many things, but I do know my stuff when it comes to recruitment. Jobs that used to be snapped up are not being filled, even with inflated ...

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Two Tier Health is Already Here

Posted on August 8, 2022

A chap I know from cricket hurt his back the other week. He went to hospital, and they sent him packing to his GP as being in agony was not urgent. His GP said he would need an MRI scan but that would take three to six months. Pay up or Feel the Pain So, in pain, he bought one for £300.00. A few days later, I had a replacement crown on my front tooth. There are no NHS dentists, so it costed me £677.00. I could have left it to go ...

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Truss – Ready to Lead by Watching the Crowd and Running to the Front!

Posted on July 21, 2022

So, Liz Truss is ‘ready to lead, trusted to deliver’. By whom exactly? By the Lib Dems she was president of at university? By the Remain voters she campaigned vigorously on behalf of in 2016? Or the swivel eyed ERG freaks who have done so much damage to the UK. Trusting Truss Why would anyone in their right mind trust Liz Truss to deliver? There’s a simple answer to that. It’s the swivel eyed lunatics in the Tory membership. ...

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It’s Summer, Get Over It – Big Frank Down The Red Lion Told Me!

Posted on July 15, 2022

I have always wondered why certain people use severe weather warnings to look hard. In the winter it is, “Yes, it’s going to snow…guess what, it’s winter”. In the summer it is “Wow it’s going to be hot…it’s called summer, get over it”.  If there is a storm warning that might disrupt travel or bring down power lines, it’s, “In my day it was known as a windy day, end of”. Why on earth would someone want to get ...

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Small Victories and the Joy and Despair of the Lost and Found

Posted on July 14, 2022

I have one client left who still insists on posted invoices. Everyone else just deals in emailed PDF’s these days, making life easier for all. Therefore, every week, I have to print of the invoices and timesheets, put them in an envelope and find a stamp. Letterbox Euphoria I have kind of mastered that part, it’s getting the invoice from my house to the letterbox which is the hard bit to execute. This became even harder when my ...

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