
The KGB…You Don’t Expect That Sort of Thing Around Here!

Posted on March 8, 2018

I was watching ‘South Today’ after there had been a murder in some rough looking sink estate a few weeks back in Southampton somewhere. The reporter spoke to some of the neighbours and one guy said what is now an obligatory statement from someone in the neighbourhood where there is a murder. "You don't expect that sort of thing to happen around here". My son, Harry, was here at the time and I instantly put my hand up in the air ...

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The Contradictions of a Snowy Week in the UK

Posted on March 2, 2018

  Snowdrifts in Oakley, Hampshire, yesterday afternoon. Well, the 'Beast from the East' arrived and I have to say, I was quite impressed with its impact, with several inches of snow falling, even here in Hampshire, as the fierce easterly fizzed across us. It didn't get above -3c here yesterday. I always like a blast of cold air (although perhaps not in March) as it brings a bit of drama to winter rather than short dank days ...

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Health & Safety & CRB’s and Political Correctness

Posted on February 16, 2018

Now that I am 50, part me feels that I should be approaching a time when I sit in a pub bleating on about health safety and political correctness gone mad. However, I won't, because  health and safety at work and DBS checks in schools and recreational clubs are saving people from dying and getting molested, or both. This week, we have seen that if minority fuckwitts and perverts are allowed to act with a free rein, innocent people get ...

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Darkest Hour

Posted on February 15, 2018

I went to see the film 'Darkest Hour' on Tuesday night full of uncertainty about whether it would be decent or just another jingoistic propaganda movie about how great it was back in the old days. Well, I was pleasantly surprised as the acting was fantastic, right from the lead roles to the bit parts and the stage sets were very realistic, particularly Parliament and in and around Churchill's home. The thing about Churchill that always ...

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Oxfam Scandal

Posted on February 14, 2018

It is hard, even amongst the crazy events over the last couple of years, to imagine the context of the crisis engulfing Oxfam. I just can't imagine that someone in grief stricken Haiti or Chad, could actually say, "Come on lads, get this bit cleaned up and we can go get some hookers!" At what point on someone's morality spectrum would that seem like a good idea? Oxfam are of course, getting accused of covering the whole thing up ...

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