
A Trip to Riga, Latvia!

Posted on July 3, 2018

I learnt two things about 'City Breaks' last weekend, the first being that they are great fun, the second being that they are very also tiring once you pass 50. Five of us left Gatwick on Thursday not quite knowing what to expect, except a cooler temperature in Riga than that of the recent heatwave that is set to last until the kids break up for their summer holidays. As the organiser in chief of this latest 50th Birthday bash our ...

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Twitter and the Worrying Signs of Picking on Remain Boy

Posted on June 27, 2018

I love a good scroll through Twitter I do. It is far more entertaining than Facebook which sadly, has more or less been redefined into a social media platform where only self indulgence, mild mannered jokes and nice pictures are acceptable. The problem with Facebook is that when you start, you collect friends willingly, even if they are not really friends. However, when you start deleting them you feel guilty, so you don't bother and just ...

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Tim Martin, Wetherspoons and Duty on Beers & Wines!

Posted on June 20, 2018

One of the more, shall we say, charismatic Brexit figures, is rugged faced King of cheap booze, Tim Martin, owner of the JD Wetherspoon pub chains. Wetherspoon's are well known for presenting well-kept beer at cheap prices due (I am led to believe) to it being purchased shortly before its sell by date and turned over quickly. I don't have a problem with that concept and although I have many friends who would not set foot in 'Spoons' due to ...

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Here Comes the World Cup!

Posted on June 13, 2018

I feel like a bit of an impostor joining the World Cup bandwagon at this late stage as I have shown little or next to no interest in the qualifiers or indeed, football in general. As Frankie Boyle said in his excellent 'Frankie Goes to Russia’ documentary, "Football is now a rich man's game, with money making it as joyless as a bedtime story from Mick McCarthy". However, I stumbled across an England game against Puerto Rico last ...

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Understanding the Laws of the Land!

Posted on June 7, 2018

Like many normal people, I was quite shocked last week about the level of support for racist knuckle dragger, Tommy Robinson, last week, mainly because of the lack of understanding regarding most basic aspects of law and justice the fucking idiot is perpetually trying to pervert. One of the strongest aspects of Britain (currently at least) is the worldwide admiration for its law system and the right to a fair trial without outside ...

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