
A Bath Spa Weekend

Posted on September 17, 2018

We went to Bath at the weekend for what was regarded as something as a treat. It was at a grand looking place called the Macdonald Hotel and Spa on the edge of the town centre. I never really know how to do posh hotels in England as they are full of little extras that to me, just seem largely pointless. I put this down to the fact that when I was growing up, posh was a campsite just outside Bracklesham Bay where my dad would hide me up a ...

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Channel 4 – The Ballymurphy Massacre

Posted on September 12, 2018

There was a documentary the other night about Ballymurphy Massacre during height of the Northern Ireland Troubles and it has got a lot people talking ahead of a new inquest hearing due to commence this month. The hearing at Belfast High Court is looking to discover what actually happened before, during and after the three-day siege in August 1971 that left in its wake, 11 dead civilians. It is hoped that some sort of closure might be ...

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When Boris and Alistair Visited The Oval!

Posted on September 10, 2018

On Saturday afternoon the big TV screen at The Oval Cricket Ground scanned the ground as India and England battled out the 5th Test. It then locked onto former London Mayor, wannabe PM and all-round fat pig, Boris Johnson. For a moment, I wondered what would happen. Would he receive a few cheers, or would he be greeted with an uncomfortable silence, a reflection of how decent folk are seeing through his buffoonery and realising he is in fact, ...

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The Confusion Surrounding Nationalism

Posted on September 9, 2018

I got involved in quite a heavy Facebook debate yesterday where lots of people were pitching in with their penny worth of opinions, me included. What I found apparent was that there was a lot of confusion surrounding arguments that are more complex than they should ever be. In fact I got so confused I mistook the UN for NATO with regards to a Russian veto on the arrest of the Salisbury Novichok suspects. For a good example of how ...

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Fact of the Day – EU Immigrants & Employment Law

Posted on August 31, 2018

Now here’s something you do don't hear often. Under EU Law, anyone moving to another member state (Poland to France for example) has three months to find a job or prove that they have the necessary funds to live off. If they cannot find work and do not have funds (savings or a pension for instance) they can be legally returned the country of their original residence. However, in the UK, successive governments have not implemented ...

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