
Drinkaware One Month On!

Posted on October 1, 2018

Well, I did promise that I would give an update on my Drinkaware App after a month, so being a man that sometimes keeps his word, I shall do so. What you will be glad to hear is that I haven’t turned into an evangelical tea total, living off water and celery sticks. However, for those of you hoping I would fall away into drunken oblivion, you will be disappointed. My biggest achievement has been going from having at least one alcoholic ...

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Time to End the War on Birdlife!

Posted on September 27, 2018

Did anyone know that since 1975, Britain has lost half of its farmland birds and in total we have lost over 40 million birds in the UK?  Most people will never again hear a nightingale, see a turtle dove or a hen harrier and skylarks are disappearing from the skies as I write this post. How sad is that if you are a lover of the wildlife? At the same time 30 million pheasants are released from pens to create chaos amongst the indigenous ...

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Today’s Forecast – A Shower of Shite From Madden and Rao!

Posted on September 25, 2018

For several years now, a chap called Nathan Rao has been publishing preposterous weather stories in The Daily Express, an alleged newspaper. Winter 'forecasts' in recent years have included the following shocking headlines that have also been lifted into other tabloids such as The Sun and The Star. “Coldest Winter in 100 Years on Way” “100 DAYS OF HEAVY SNOW: Britain now facing worst winter in SIXTY YEARS warn forecasters”. ...

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Well, That Went Well Theresa!

Posted on September 21, 2018

Well that trip to Salzburg went well didn’t it? Poor old Theresa got humiliated, got incandescent about being humiliated and as a result carried all the confidence of someone who has seen a ghost, defecated in their pants, and realised they were wearing white trousers. Or as one journalist from The Independent hilariously described her press conference:  “It was, at moments, Keeganesque. By the end, she may even have told the ...

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Romance Fraud!

Posted on September 19, 2018

I was reading a shocking article the other day about the seemingly unstoppable rise in what is known as romance fraud and how intelligent people are getting drawn into parting with houses, life savings and pensions in the name of deluded love. These people are predominantly men who are either widowed or divorced but increasingly, women are also susceptible. There was one woman in The Cotswolds who was done for £800k by a dashing young ...

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