Time to Stop Pretending the Yemen Famine Isn’t Happening!
When the BBC report on the Yemen crisis came on last night, I was close to turning it off, or onto another channel. That’s because like everyone else, there is only so much depressing stuff my brain can take, especially along with the utter shambles that is Brexit as it draws to its ugly conclusion. However, I decided I would force myself to see it through. It soon occurred to me that one of the problems with the crisis in Yemen is ...
Ed Sheeran and Corporation Tax
As the corporation tax figures were published this week, it once again got me thinking, “Why do those who have so much, want to pay so little?” Because of this, somewhat bizarrely, I found myself congratulating pop star, Ed Sheeran, for paying his full corporation tax liability on £27 million profits. Without teaching people to suck eggs, corporation tax is what is paid on profits after all overheads have been considered (salari...
A Man’s Best Friend!
Here's a bit of a heartwarming story to cheer folk up on a wet Saturday afternoon. I was walking over the Hampshire Downs yesterday when I approached a style. My dog was off on his travels, terrorising rabbits and pheasants but as always, I knew he would turn up at some point. Anyway, as I stepped over the style, I didn't realise the other side was broken, so, comically, as my foot landed on the plank, it was too late to realise it was ...
10 Years On…The Bank that Almost broke Britain!
Sometimes it is hard to understand why Britain has become such a messed up place. When I saw Theresa May merrily dancing on to stage the other day like the good times were rolling, I thought three things. 1/ is her PR advisor secretly employed by Boris Johnson? 2/ how can austerity be over when there is the real potential she is about to drive Britain off a cliff? 3/how on earth did Britain come to this? Then, struggling to sleep ...
I Went Glamping and all I Brought Back Was This Terrible Head Cold
The last of the 50th Birthday celebrations were completed last weekend with a Glamping trip for my friend, Peter, which was kindly funded by his wife, Amanda. It was good to see old friends again (there were ten of us in total) and I was grateful to see that I wasn't the only one who had developed a limp and strange caveman noises to accompany simple tasks like doing up shoelaces or getting out of a car. This glamping trip involved staying ...