
Britain is Trapped in Brexit Mayhem!

Posted on December 13, 2018

After following yesterday’s events on Brexit, it got to a stage where my brain felt like a computer that had run out of disc space and needed fragmenting and rebooting. Even the excellent John Pienaar on the BBC appeared nonplussed, yet, in 2015, David Cameron decided to put this complex situation to the people, millions of whom are only really interested in beer and football results. Theresa May now looks about 175 years old and Britain is ...

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There is No Good Brexit Deal – Simple as That!

Posted on December 11, 2018

I have found a great new idea for those of you who like to read my posts but sometimes don't have the time. Microsoft word now reads it out for me, so I can just upload it and post here so you can just hear it. It's worth it, even if it is just for the swear words. The full written article is below. If Theresa May was really trying to do the best for the nation, she would stand up in parliament and say, 'I have tried my best folks, but ...

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A Weekend in London

Posted on December 10, 2018

We have just had an enjoyable weekend in London on what was our first attempt at an Air B&B, a process where you book someone’s home to stay in, rather than a hotel. We went with our old friends Pete and Mandy. We set off from Basingstoke to Waterloo, where we immediately stopped for a drink in the ‘Hole in the Wall’ pub underneath the railway arches opposite the station entrance. ‘The Hole in the Wall’ is a throwback of a ...

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I’ve Got a New Web Page!

Posted on December 7, 2018

Welcome to my new web page, I think it is great. The idea behind it is to modernise and categorise it better, so certain subjects fit into the categories at the top of the home page. I started writing these blogs about ten years ago now with the reason being that I had to write out a complex job advert one day and I found myself struggling for coherence. Writing was one of the few things I was good at during my time in state education (I ...

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How a Banana is a Reminder that Some Want to Stop Evolution

Posted on December 5, 2018

When I saw the banana skin lying on the Emirates turf on Sunday afternoon, this was the first thing that came to mind as the racist accusations and social media witch hunt started. “Did that guy really come to the ground with a premeditated ambition to chuck a banana skin at a black Arsenal player?” I don’t know the answer to that but if he did, he deserves all that comes his way. However, there is also a chance he had just eaten ...

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