
It Was Always About Saving the Party, Not the Proles!

Posted on March 27, 2019

Theresa May sacrificing herself, followed by a gleeful Boris Johnson and Rees Mogg coming out for her deal they hate, tells a story. It tells the story of what Brexit has been all about, all along.Brexit was never about a golden new era. Brexit was never about borders. Brexit was never about Sovereignty. Brexit was never about the WTO being a new age of prosperity. Brexit was never about saving the NHS. Brexit was about the Tory Party and ...

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The PM’s Speech!

Posted on March 22, 2019

I assume that the person who writes speeches for the PM will emerge one day. An 'unelected bureaucrat' who is not very clever perhaps? Or maybe press ganged into a play on patriotism straight from the Donald Trump rule book?Theresa May stared into the cameras and saying 'you have had enough' and 'you are fed up!' She was trying to say that she is on the side of 'the people'. 'The people' in her mind should regard her as a saviour. Democratica...

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People Devoid of Human Compassion

Posted on March 20, 2019

Many years ago, I was involved in a minor incident that has always stuck with me. I was on a trip away and as I sat in the sunshine, a toddler waddled past me. She was lost and a bit confused but not particularly upset.Like a normal person, I picked her up and walked towards a group of people who were sat a few hundred yards away having a drink. Fortunately, the toddler was theirs, so they were obviously grateful for her return. They offered me ...

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The UK Debt & Deficit

Posted on March 14, 2019

I was speaking to someone today who said, correctly, that the 'deficit' was coming down. He was wondering what affect Brexit would have on it. It gets a bit confusing as whilst the deficit is coming down, debt is still around 85% of GDP. In the terms of a Layman, the deficit is the annual amount the government has to borrow to meet the shortfall between current receipts (tax) and government spending. National debt or public sector net ...

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Gut Feelings Coming to Fruition!

Posted on March 11, 2019

Anyone who runs a small business will know what I am getting at here. When something doesn't feel right and you have gone for it regardless, it is nearly always a mistake. It is a kind of sixth sense that with time, you learn to utilise. I had that same feeling with Brexit. There was something not right about those in power who were campaigning for it so aggressively. Anyone who has followed this hopeless withdrawal with any depth, now knows ...

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