
A Short Trip to Rye

Posted on April 15, 2019

Sometimes, I think we all obsess so much about going abroad, we don’t bother to visit places in the UK. There are obvious climatic reasons behind this, but I do think it is worth visiting places nearby more often. This weekend we headed off to Rye on an AirB&B weekend. I am not very familiar with the south east of England. Apart from Dover for ferries and Tunbridge Wells as a kid, I have barely gone east of Brighton. So, after it ...

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Drinkers Like Me – A Six Month Review!

Posted on April 8, 2019

It dawned on me at the weekend that last week I passed the six month mark using the Drinkaware app. This personal fad started after watching the Adrian Charles documentary 'Drinkers Like Me'. So how have I done? Well, I'm going to tell you, whether you like it or not. The Stats Since the 1st September the first to 31st March there has been a total of 212 days. Out of those days I was alcohol free on 112 of them. By rough calculati...

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Webb, Donald & I

Posted on April 5, 2019

I was talking to my youngest son the other day and he mentioned that he has a dubious claim to fame. He works with the daughter of former Premier League and highly regarded international referee, Howard Webb. This triggered in my memory a bizarre incident that I was involved in, in 2008. It happened when I was on my way to Warsaw to visit my friend Trevor, who was living there at the time. When I was waiting for my flight at Luton ...

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Jesus Sends Nigel to Rescue Brexit!

Posted on March 31, 2019

When I voted to remain in the European Union nearly three years ago, I did it based on research. That research told me that the Leave campaign was a blatant right-wing con job. It was, I believed, targeting fertile ground and aiming at people who could be led on impulse. Three years on, after a series of investigations, the Leave campaign has been proven to have lied, cheated and broken election spending rules. The Leave campaign said this ...

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Rees-Mogg and a Vassal State

Posted on March 29, 2019

One of the chief reasons for serfs voting for Brexit has been their desire for a return to 'the good old days'.I don't know when those good old days were, but I am sure they existed. I asked my dad who is 87, and he can't remember when they were either. They must have been a long time ago. Recently, I spoke to a chap I know (who is a Brexiteer) and he was reminiscing about cricket in the 1960's. He recalled that back then, the cricket season ...

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