Britain and its territories are officially the most aggressive tax avoiding nation in the world. The corporation tax now avoided every year by utilising places such as The Cayman Islands and Bermuda, is 3 times the annual NHS budget.
All our billionaire media owners benefitting from aggressive tax avoidance schemes include the following;The Daily Telegraph, The Sun, The Express, The Times and The Mail.
It is could just be coincidence but ...
As far a painful political death's go, the end of Theresa May was about as pathetic as it gets. Who were tears at the end for, herself, or as an apology for job badly done?
The Downfall
May's downfall began the day (somewhat ironically) the implementation of British Sovereign Law was imposed. This meant she could not push through Brexit without the agreement of parliament. An attempt to increase her majority (allegedly on the advice of ...
I was listening to Radio 5 the other day and the subject of the 'O Ring Theory' came up. My dad was in the car at the time and he explained that this dates back to the 1986 Space Shuttle disaster. Seven astronauts died as the shuttle disintegrated.
My dad tried to explain it to me but unfortunately he is a scientist and I am not. When my dad gets technical it results in the hard drive in my head crashing. This concludes with my brain needing ...
The BBC have announced the sacking of long time BBC Breakfast weather presenter Carol Kirkwood.
Kirkwood, 58, has allegedly been sacked for calling a small boy 'a cheeky wee monkey' after he asked for an autograph. It has also been alleged that she once said good morning to Independent MP, Heidi Allen.
Because of the racial connotations of her remarks to the child and sinister links to Heidi Allen, the BBC said they had no choice. ...
What was Danny Baker thinking? Only he will ever know what possessed him to do something so stupid. 'Trial by Twitter' is not a new phenomenon yet stupidly, Baker now finds himself as a new member of the publicly shamed society. He has been in the media a long time, so his naivety is quite bizarre.
Despite this foolish act, what gets me is how many people on Twitter actually know that Danny Baker is racist. That's because they say he is and ...