Anyone who reads this post regularly will know I don’t hold a candle for Boris Johnson. In my opinion, he is a bit fat fraud who utilises traditional British buffoonery as a tool to gain support from people who read The Daily Mail too much.
A bit like the other blonde slob across the pond, with
Boris, the worse his record of behaviour becomes, the more his supporters
double down. He throws them a remark made from gammon; they gobble it ...
I always wondered what it would be like for England to win
something. I was born after 1966 but I do remember the rugby in 2003 where I
felt like I was at someone else’s party. I quite like rugby as a sport, but I
have never had anything other than a tenuous link with England regarding any passionate
support. RFU people aren’t really my type if I am entirely honest.
I have loved football and cricket for as long as I can
remember but ...
The biggest problem with the Labour Party and the
antisemitism problem that just won’t go away, is ignorance. If you asked 80% of
the UK population to differentiate between being Jewish and Zionist, they
wouldn’t be able to help you.
This ignorance has been utilised by the sections of the media
looking to attack Jeremy Corbyn and his socialist vision. However, it is also
an issue amongst Labour Party members and the public. It also ...
I got butted by a cow on Stockbridge Common
yesterday morning. It wasn’t that aggressive really, but it was, without doubt,
telling me to bugger off. I always thought cows were friendly things until I
googled “are cows dangerous”.
The answers were quite startling, with loads of reports of deaths and trampling’s
over the last twenty years or so. If a herd rushes at you, let’s face it, you
haven’t got much chance.
The Stats
They say never meet your heroes. I have always said it is best never to have them, as they will only let you down. As a child and a young man, Paul Weller (The Jam) was a bit of hero of mine and so was Joe Strummer (The Clash).Luckily, I grew out of all that years after 'Eton Rifles' but years before Paul Weller sent his kids to private school. As a consequence I never got upset. Joe Strummer croaked it whilst he was still quite cool. It was ...