Once Upon a Time in Hollywood!
It must be hard being a film reviewer. In fact, it must be hard to be a reviewer of anything. We live in an era where if something isn’t awesome, it must mean it is crap. I went to an Indian restaurant last week and someone asked me if it was any good. I said, “yeah it was okay”. They replied, “So it was shit then?”Eh? I said it was okay? We live in a world where okay is shit and something is only worth watching or eating if it is ...
The Tory Populist Bullshit that the Proles Believe!
I’ve got to admit that if these Boris Johnson Tories weren’t so dangerous, it would be funny. They just can’t stop lying. They are even brazen enough to have a stand at their conference advertising The Cayman Islands (the famous tax avoidance place to the west of Cuba). The fact that the average proletarian hasn’t worked out that Brexit is all about rich people making lots of money then avoiding paying tax on it, is a damning ...
Greta Thunberg
There is nothing quite like portly middle-aged men screaming abuse at young environmental campaigner, Greta Thunberg. What is it about a 16-year-old girl that makes people want to rabidly bully her from their keyboards? Maybe it is just that there is a huge section of society who are in complete denial about the climate breakdown? Perhaps being told what they don’t want to hear by a young girl screws their heads up so much they feel a need to ...
Johnson Fought the Law and the Law Won!
Let us face facts here, we really don't know where this chaos is going next. However, anyone with a sane mind will be relieved by today's findings. Boris Johnson, fanned by people like Dominic Cummings, the Barclay brothers, The Rothermere empire and Rupert Murdoch (all tax avoiders) misled the Queen and forced the shutting of parliament to stop debate. All 11 members of the Supreme Court ruled that government must not be able to shut down ...
Deregulation – It’s all the Rage Down at the Pub
I don’t know if anyone watched the BBC news at 10:00 PM last night? It had an interesting piece on it about Colorado in America and the battle between fracking companies and environmentalists. I have never been to Colorado, but it looks stunning. Deserts, plains, snow capped mountains, canyons, rivers and gigantic lakes, make it a diverse and stunning place. It also has shale gas and lots of it. Shale Gas & Deregulation I don’t ...