Trying to Understand Populism!
I have been trying to fully understand populism recently; it is a fascinating ideology. However, it is hard to be defined fully, as examples of it are often confused. Populism can also affect both the far right and far left of the political spectrum. For example, Boris Johnson’s new government is often described as right-wing populist. Whilst this may well be the case, there are many contradictions. Right Wing Populism is supposedly a rage ...
A Special Anniversary for The Daily Mail
Today is a special day for The Daily Mail. For it is today they celebrate the 86th anniversary of their headline ‘Hurrah for the Blackshirts’. This was personally written by owner, Viscount Rothermere. Supporting fascism was all the rage amongst the aristocracy back in the 1930’s. In Oswald Mosley, a towering intellect and fearsome orator, the Rothermere’s really did think they had the future in their palm. However, things turned ...
The Need for Strong Opposition to Johnson’s Populists
Forget your political persuasion for a minute and imagine this. Jeremy Corbyn has been elected as Prime Minister, but John McDonnell has lost his seat. Now imagine that to save McDonnell’s bacon, Corbyn offered him a peerage to keep him in his cabinet. Then on top of that, he did the same for another individual who had resigned after saying being an MP was not what she wanted to be anymore. Then, to cap it off, he made a woman who had ...
The Royals and their Money!
I never really been able to quite get my head around the point of the Royal family in a modern world. They are a curious bunch. I heard the other day Harry and Meghan want to become financially independent. Then I heard that Harry had made £30 million from the public purse since taking up Royal duties. Imagine being in a world where you can go and seek independence with £30 million in your pocket? What’s he going to do, work at ...
JoJo Rabbit
If I am honest, I am not a very good film critic. I find myself struggling how to explain what I have seen. This is because we live in a world of awesome and woeful, with nothing in between allowed. Saying something was ‘pretty good’ means it was shit. Anyway I will try. Last night, we went to Vue, Basingstoke, to watch ‘JoJo Rabbit’. I didn’t really know what to expect, I just wanted to get out of the house. The dismal month of ...