Unravelling Trade Deals
I spent several hours last night trying to work out how Boris Johnson’s mind is working with regards to future trade deals. Do you remember back in the 1990’s, when it was all the rage to look closely at a mass of colour in a Sunday magazine? As you moved the picture slowly away, you would see a lion in the jungle, the Mona Lisa, or something similar. I was useless at those things. Understanding future trade deals is a bit like that. I ...
Falling off Dry January!
I fell off the Dry January wagon on Saturday. Jennifer and I went off to Salisbury and found ourselves almost instantly tipsy on red wine before retiring home early (after a fantastic Thai meal). Our capacity for booze was severely weakened by 31 days clean. I did the same yesterday when we had the kids around for a hearty roast dinner that featured red wine then gin. Gin goes down the throat far too easily and I had too much of it. Morbid ...
Johnson and His Unlikely Friends
"If he is blue collar, he is likely to be drunk, criminal, aimless, feckless and hopeless, and perhaps claiming to suffer from low self-esteem brought on by unemployment." That is what Boris Johnson said of the working class. It is strange then, that all those loathsome nationalist oafs see him as their messiah. He hates them, doesn’t he? A Strange Coming Together I have been wondering how this coming together happened. After all, it ...
Irony of Brexit Day Being Corporation Tax Day
As I set up my corporation tax payment yesterday, I couldn’t help but notice something (I am unique as my accounting period is 30th April whilst most are 31st March). This means my Corporation Tax is due on the same day we celebrate our golden Brexit opportunities. These include the end of freedom to move across Europe, business without trade deals, and £350 million a week for the NHS. What is Corporation Tax? For those of you who run ...
Trying to Understand Populism!
I have been trying to fully understand populism recently; it is a fascinating ideology. However, it is hard to be defined fully, as examples of it are often confused. Populism can also affect both the far right and far left of the political spectrum. For example, Boris Johnson’s new government is often described as right-wing populist. Whilst this may well be the case, there are many contradictions. Right Wing Populism is supposedly a rage ...