
A Trip To St Jean Pied Du Port

Posted on August 13, 2008

I did my second large batch of hand washing last night, once again it rained overnight, an once again the clothes horse collapsed in the mud rendering my hard work meaningless. If this clothes horse was a real horse, it would fall at the first fence every time before someone took mercy on it and shot it in the paddock. Being a damp start to the morning we decided to set off to the quaint town of St Jean Pied Du Port about 30 miles away inland on ...

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Cat Rape And A Trip To San Sebastian

Posted on August 11, 2008

Last night when I was checking my hotmail I was alarmed to see that I had received an email titled EXTREME CAT RAPE! A number of things concerned me regarding this email. Firstly I have only ever registered my email address to two websites, Dating Direct (sad I know) and The Times Fantasy Football League. So unless Dating Direct condones the date rape of a cat, or The Times Fantasy League has a little box saying “Please tick here if you do not ...

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Sunshine and ETA Bombs

Posted on August 10, 2008

Friday night saw us wave goodbye to our friends Charlotte, Tom, Lisa and Claire from Stratford, basically leaving us as just about the only non Irish group left on the whole campsite, I am getting concerned they might start digging it up and turning it in to a car park!It appears that Michael (Oim jist an simple Oirish businessman troying to dae the working man a good deal) O’Leary, owner of Ryanair, has been doing something of a deal on ...

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Holiday a week in

Posted on August 8, 2008

After the rainy 24 hours it was a welcome relief to see the sun shining today. We made up for it by having an afternoon around the pool recovering from last nights excursions when we met up at the bar with Lisa, Charlotte, Tom and Claire plus a huge Irish contingent and had a really good laugh and consumed a little too much. Heidi’s sudden thirst for red wine at 43 is as unexpected as it is amusing, she used to be such a tea total. I fear for ...

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That’s The Trouble With The Atlantic Coast………

Posted on August 7, 2008

Today has been overcast and periodically damp, the problem with the west coast of France is that it can still be exposed to wet weather steaming in from the Atlantic, and last night must have seen 2-3 inches of rain.Undeterred me and the boys set of for an afternoon body boarding, but as we jumped in to the sea we were greeted with a blast from a siren and a guy waving his hands frantically at us to get out of the sea. When we got out the life ...

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