Back Safely
Got the boys back home safely last night without further ado in the driving rain, and went off with Steve for a pint at the Queen. Was absolutely knackered but my head was spinning as I could not sleep for thinking of the things that need sorting and the money my extended stay has demolished. I have made a list.Car being towed away 125 eurosCar Repair 495 eurosTent for two nights 150 eurosCaravan for one night 100 eurosextra spending money 300 ...
Nearly There
We finally got away this morning, and despite a frozen neck (caused by sleeping in different beds every night) and the driving rain, I felt quite optimistic about the journey ahead. We said our goodbyes to the Irish, and the reception staff who now referred to me as Mr Bean. I even had time to berate Korker for calling me celabataire. She told me that it didn't mean celibate it meant bachelor. She then gave me a little peck on the cheek that ...
Le Miracle, Le Miracle
Unbelievable, at 5.00pm we got a call…………………the car was mended and was waiting to be picked up, surely this was not true!!! Andy one of the reps who I accused of ripping me off, dashed to his car and whizzed me off to Bayonne before the garage shut for the night. Approximately 15 near misses later we got there, but I couldn’t find my car anywhere, just a newer better conditioned one, but not mine. Somehow French came out of the ...
UPDATE! Yep You Guessed it!!!
Hooray for the French Mechanic, my car is officially not ready, I can hardly control my elation! From "trying" to get it fixed on Saturday he is now "hoping" to get it done tomorrow, on top of that I have at present nowhere for us to stay, it's too good to be true. I have gone from Mobile home, to tent,to park bench in 3 days. Can anyone beat that.I will be a subject on Mastermind in years to come. "Your specialised chosen subject?". "The ...
Sunday….The Last Day??????
After a biblical storm in the early hours we woke this morning to blue skies and hot sunshine. Thank you god. We have actually enjoyed doing the things families do on holiday such as playing table tennis, swimming in the pool (Harry did the slide unaided today) and lapping up the rays. Remarkably we have not really had any incidents in the last 24 hours though like the weather I suspect this to be a temporary respite. I did however have a funny ...