
Incompetence, Negligence, Deceit and Sleight of Hand

Posted on August 18, 2020

I do sometimes wonder whether this government is just taking the piss just for the fun of it. It meanders from cock up after cock up, to U-turn after U-turn and unashamed corruption on a basis daily, yet some people still try to claim they are doing a great job. As the latest cock up is distinguished by another U-turn and a grovelling apology from someone who shouldn’t be in the job, the PM is missing once again? Where is he this time? ...

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Bent as a Nine Bob Note

Posted on August 6, 2020

Right, here we go then. Ayanda Capital were handed, without tender, £252 million of taxpayer’s money to supply face masks. The deal was done by Andrew Mills, an adviser to Trade Secretary Liz Truss and the Board of Trade. Coincidentally, he is also a senior board adviser at Ayanda. PPE Offshore Investment Specialists It gets better. Around 50 million of the Chinese masks supplied by Ayanda Capital had ear straps rather than head ...

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Second Lock-down Anyone?

Posted on July 29, 2020

Rumours are circulating that we are weeks away from going into a second wave of Coronavirus and another lockdown. This would suggest that easing of regulations on social activities aren’t really working. It appears with 95% of the population still uninfected, the writing is on the wall. That is crap news for people who rely on social interaction and any chance of the economy recovering. The hymn ‘In the Bleak Mid-Winter’, will be ...

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The Russia Report

Posted on July 21, 2020

Cyber Influence Unless you are totally deluded, it is now apparent that Russia cyber interference has almost certainly taken place within the UK establishment. Only the extent of it is unknown. Cyber interference is a complicated operation that goes beyond my brain capacity but, essentially, it is regarded as a cheap and effective way to target and influence the mindset of unwitting people. These will generally be those who are vulnerable ...

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The Chair of Intelligence & Security

Posted on July 16, 2020

The voting in of Julian Lewis as Chair of Intelligence & Security should be big news. A week ago, Boris Johnson, presumably on the advice Dominic Cummings, tried to force through the appointment of Chris Grayling into this role. It is one Grayling has no experience of. Grayling Grayling has a history of disasters behind him and you could imagine the day after being told to organise a piss up in a brewery, he could be seen outside ...

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