I did something that I never thought I would do last night. I went to a lesbian wedding where the best man was gay......strange, but really good fun and I met lots of really nice people. The band were aptly a "Swing" band and very good. It all went on until four this morning so I am feeling a bit jaded today, but I am glad I went, especially as it meant I had an excuse not to watch England as they heroically beat the might of Andorra and their ...
ADVERTISEMENTLOSE STONES IN WEEKS WITH OUR NEW DIVORCE DIET PLANEating too much fatty foodFeeling the waistline spreadingTried WeightwatchersTried On Line DietsTaken annual gym membership and attended onceIf you have attempted all the above and failed, we have the ultimate DD (Divorce Diet) for you. You will see the pounds fall off as you:Watch your partner go off with someone elseWorry about the kids futureStruggle to pay household billsSleep ...
Been a pretty eventful weekend really with lots going on. On Friday George stayed over with me at Colin's house and we walked through the forest over to The Plough for a pint. Six pints later we found ourselves walking back in the pitch black. We literally could not see our hands on front of our faces and we had the added obstacle of puddles and ditches. Half way back Colin informed us that he had never walked it before in the dark, and for a ...
It was nice to get back to normal life today and do some work after an incredibly long break and was nice to see a few people I had not seen for a while. Tonight I took the boys to a rather empty Madjeski Stadium to watch Reading batter beleagured Luton 5-1 in the carling cup.These type of games are used puely to blood youngsters, and it was good to see the verve and energy of these young lads desperate to prove themselves in a bid to gain the ...
My sleeping patterns are out of bonk completely at the momen. Since the return from France on Wednesday I have been staying in lots of different places on different days. I am currently at "home" with the boys, last night I was at my other home, the night before in Stockbridge where I hardly slept, and Wednesday here, my belongings are scattered everywhere. I need to get an organised system going, but being someone who is impulsive I don't ...