A Weekend of Ups and Downs
Friday was spent working before watching George and his team mates collapse against a talented Yately team in the cricket indoor league. Nothing wrong with getting beaten by a better team, something wrong with playing so crap, their fielding and bowling was well below the standards they have set............never mind! I then drove off (still in a bit of a tis) to see the Broughton gang after their annual fund raising jumble sell which comprised ...
I Love BT They Are Great
BT are one of the great institutions when it comes to ineptitude. I really dont know where to start to be honest, you wouldn't think they could cock up more if they tried, anyway, I will try to explain.When I recently moved to North Waltham, I had a BT phone and Broadband succesfully installed for my business, okay okay, they did turn up at 9.00 am when I said after 1pm as Richard was on nights, but I can forgive that even if Richard can't. But ...
Brian’s and Broughton Down
Phew, been a busy couple of days, hence the blog delay, these pics came from Brian and Lorraines nearly complete house, and Broughton Down near Stockbridge where we went on a lovely walk with Diane, Sally, Brian, Lorraine, Lesley, Kevin and Sean and god knows how many children. Anway, special thanks from the kids to Brian for letting them have a good old dig on his JCB and a good mess around with their labrador Saffi (George loves dogs). I had a ...
X Factor…Watch This
My vitriolic judgement of X factor in an earlier blog may have seemed a bit nasty, but I was only being honest........................just watch these on youtube by the brilliant Peter Kayehttp://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=NpBceQ4toKg&feature=relatedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnVMT1ER3twbrilliant, brilliant, brilliant, so, so, so, so, true!!!!!
Beacon Hill
We burnt off a cooked breakfast this morning wiith a sprightly stroll to the top of Beacon hill near Highclere, it is one of the few places I can go to where nothing has changed since I was a child visiting there with my Mum 30-35 years ago. In fact at the base of the hill there is still a smashed fence caused by a perspex sledging incident involving myself and Mark Privett in 1991.Not having a sledge, I asked my Dad if he had anything in his ...