
A Claim Against Graham…….?

Posted on November 6, 2008

Meet Graham who I work with on Tuesdays and Thursdays.......a nice man. I also work with Andy, meaning there is three of us in a small office. Recent statistics indicate that two out of three marriages collapse, and our office statistics would appear to prove this theory to be correct. Andy is divorced and I am about to be, yet Graham is still happily married.By calculation this effectively means that Andy and I have saved Graham's marriage and ...

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Obama Celebrates As Grandma Dies

Posted on November 4, 2008

Black presidential candidate Barack Obama is celebrating today after his Grandmother's timely death from pillow smothering.......................... sorry I mean cancer. This has sent him propelling up the opinion polls with the all American tear jerking sympathy vote, meaning almost certain victory culminating in the USA's first black/mixed race/ semi caucasian president.This will be a victory for anti racism! Will it bollocks, if racism didn't ...

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Simon Cowell- Dont Say I didnt Warn You………..

Posted on November 3, 2008

I have been heavily demonised by friends and associates for my "killjoy" attack on Simon Cretin and the X Factor. I am told that I am a killjoy and the Xfactor is fun and escapism, and that there is nothing wrong with bullying and persucuting kids with Acne/Ginger Hair/Thick glasses/stutters. Well read this article http://uk.news.yahoo.com/1/20081103/ten-cowell-eyes-political-move-c60bd6d.html regarding Britains number one tosspot and tell me ...

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Snow West Moors and Keyhaven

Posted on October 29, 2008

I will let the photos sum up today. We woke up to snow and ice on what was the second heavy snowfall in North Hampshire in this calendar year. Not remarkable in itself until you look at the dates, 29th October and 15th April, how unusual is that? No doubt the tabloids will say it is going to be the coldest winter sice the birth of christ. Fear not, the last October snowfall was followed by the mildest winter in a century.Anway we dashed off to ...

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The World Is Ending!!!!

Posted on October 28, 2008

It is official the world is coming to end!!!!! The "Global Credit Crunch" has triggered a massive outbreak of "Bird Flu" which was chemically engineered by a "Global Terror Network" in response to the threat of "WMD's" (Weapons of Mass Destruction) which would ultimately cause "Global Warming" on such a mass scale , that there is a very real threat of a "New Ice Age" in what is now a "Climate of Fear" caused by "Yob Culture" "Knife Crime" and ...

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