
Sir Fred Goodwin- Great Guy

Posted on February 26, 2009

Spare a thought for ex RBS boss Sir Fred Goodwin. This poor beleaguered chap has found his position untenable after RBS announced record losses and required another £13bn from the public purse to add to the initial £20bn that propped the company up.Sir Fred (who was deservedly knighted for his services to banking in 2004) appears to have made a minor error of judgement in buying ABM Ambro in 2007 for a cool £49 billion (they must have been ...

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Port- Don’t Drink It Ladies and Gentlemen!

Posted on February 23, 2009

On Friday night I felt a bit down, so I sat down with my mate Steve Ballard and drunk my first bottle of Vintage Port since my record breaking hangover of Boxing Day 1992 when I sat up with my Dad and did exactly the same stupid thing aided by about 3 kilos of that hallucinogenic drug called Stilton. You may have heard of it, some people call it cheese. Port's hangover qualities really are second to none, not only do you screaming headbanging ...

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Posted on February 19, 2009

Took the boys to stonehenge yesterday, it was actually quite good. I just can't understand why or how they got those stones from Wales 3000 years ago, we never will know I suppose.What we do know of course, is that there more less certainly not some irritating little shit on £50k a year with a notepad asking the men for their method statements, permits to work, and public liability documents.How they shifted those rocks without safety hemets, ...

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You have to laugh!

Posted on February 17, 2009

Andrew who I do some work sent me a picture of this bar football table that was getting thrown out of a house his company are refurbishing at the moment to see if my kids were interested in it.Look at the top right of the picture, absolutely priceless!

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A Trip To Balmy Milford on Sea

Posted on February 14, 2009

The teachers at George and Harry's schools didn't have enough time off during the snow and ice, so they had Friday off as well to prepare them for half term next week. Consequently, I had the boys for the day, so I took them down to see my Dad, and to my surprise my elder brother was there too. Dad treated us to lunch then we took a bracing stroll down the front of Milford where my Dad lives in a little micro climate that has seen no snow or ice ...

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