Funny Old World
What an odd day I had yesterday. It started with a visit to do a quotation at a care home in Isleworth, London. When I was walking through a corridor an elderly lady attached herself to me in a rather aggressive manner (well, as aggressive as an old lady can be!) and appeared not to want to let go. When the site caretaker tried to prise her off me, she rather hilariously told him to piss off, though this still didn't solve my problem because as ...
A Fun Weekend To Lift Spirits
The worry that the would be purchasers of my family home have suddenly gone quiet was put on temporary hold this weekend as I cleared off to stay with Di in sun drenched Broughton. September really has been a fantastic month weatherwise.Saturday was all action, firstly we went bowling with Bri, Lorri, Lawrence and Kath for Jessica's (Di's niece) birthday in Eastleigh. It really should be a rainy day thing bowling, and it seemed a waste of the ...
Decree Absolute
As predicted, no one, for some reason, has contested my divorce during the the six weeks, and one day of the period of Decree Nici, they must have been too busy, or just plain forgetful. That means I have paid all that money for nothing, it's a crying shame.So that is that, I am no longer married, which if I am honest, is a loosening weight of my back, and though I wont be throwing a massive party like some odd people do, it is another obstacle ...
Strictly Come Dancing
The boys and spent the weekend with my Dad, and because of Harry's obsession, a good part of it was spent watching the new series of Strictly Come Dancing.This programme is not Simon Cowell's exploitative, and vindictive X Factor, this is rich British entertainment at it's very best, hosted by the excellently cheesy Bruce Forsyth, and the lovely Tess Daley. I confess to being glued to it, it was great, even Brucey's shit jokes, and the over the ...
Back at Test Valley
Yesterday I did something beyond what I can afford at the moment, I rejoined Test Valley Golf Club and played my first full 18 holes of golf since my 40th birthday on 17 November 2007.Alot has changed since then, but not my old sparring partner Tony, who is the same character as ever and we had a great afternoon. I also saw one of the other old boys I used to play with (John Page) who stopped me buying a new £30 golf trolley by saying I could ...