
Is A Spolling Misteak That Bad?

Posted on November 10, 2009

Poor old Gordon Brown is copping stick again, this time for having the audacity of having bad hand writing and spelling James as Janes. I know lots of people with the surname James, not so many......................in fact none, by the name of Janes. I would have almost certainly made the same error but I am not the Prime Minister, and it is probably a post I am unlikely to hold in the near future.Sadly, this just a media slur by The Sun who ...

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New House A Week On

Posted on November 9, 2009

Well, a week has now passed and my new house is gradually turning in to what I want it to be, all be it at greater cost than I hoped, but when isn't that the case? You think you can put up with things you don't like but ultimately you can't!!It was much with much relief that, I got away from it at the weekend and spend my time with Di and co down in Broughton in what (for a change) turned out to be a boozy affair. On Friday it was a funeral for ...

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Go Slow On Blogs

Posted on November 3, 2009

Restricted internet access is slowing up blogs temporarily whilst I am in the process of moving. I have a T-Mobile thing called a toggle or something like that, for just £12.00 a month (on a contract I inadvertantly signed for a year) you can get cut off the internet at your convenience every five minutes, and when it does work you have the download speed equivalent to a disabled tortoise, go get one folks they are fab!!Anyway, I have last ...

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A Visit From Toby and Sara, A New Home, And A Chat With ‘Arry

Posted on October 27, 2009

Had a busy couple of days this last week, firstly my old friends Toby and Sara ventured down to Broughton for the weekend to help me and Diane get pissed, and we all did so in epic style, starting with a country walk followed by a few beers in the Tally, then a meal at the lovely Greyhound in Stockbridge, then a few more beers at The Tally, then oblivion. We all felt fantastic on Sunday morning. The Greyhound in Stockbridge Yesterday I finally ...

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Nick Griffin-Just A Bit Of A Tit Really

Posted on October 24, 2009

I was really expecting fireworks durin the appearance of Nick Griffin on Question Time last night but it was all a load of nonsense really. I was expecting a well educated man who had become addicted and corrupted to some far right ideals, a sort of boffin gone mad. I was concerned that with clever rhetoric, and well spun anti Islamic policies he may be able to convince deluded middle right wing individuals his party was able to take the nation ...

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