A Smattering Of Snow and A Sober Christmas Party
Winter blew in from the North East this week bringing us a couple of inches of snow and some penetrating frosts. You can always predict a cold snap in England because it generally coincides with the annual global warming summit. I was discussing this with my friend the other day, and it has to be said that the organisers of these non descript events should consider hosting them somewhere hot oppressive, with a purple haze of fumes. Somewhere ...
From The Jam, Christmas Shopping and Snow on The Way?
Had a good day out with the lads yesterday in London, enjoying a tour of the local pubs of Covent Garden before going to see From The Jam, a band made up of ex Jam members and others. Former Jam songwriter and front man Paul Weller's warm comments ("They are just a fucking cabaret act") would suggest he has no ambition to join in the fun, and you can't blame him, but FTJ are a bit more than that, they put on a good nostalgia set, especially for ...
An Impractical Guide To Flatpack Assembly
I have spent 4 hours assembling a table a chairs set today, a wonderful experience of personified ineptitude by a man born with five thumbs on each hand. It is because of this, and other recent experiences, I have decided to publish my guide to complete impracticability that is a must for all DIY bodgers. Step 1-Untidiness Fortunately the manufacturer normally provides you with plenty of cardboard and enough polystyrene to create a mock ...
Why Is Shopping Such An Ordeal
Dissapointingly, I have had no camera this weekend which is shame as the party at the Blooms house last night had plenty of material, it was great fun culminating in some horrendous karaoke singing from all and sundry.Today I decided to do a hearty Sunday roast for the boys, so we stopped at Sainsburys on our way back where I also had to do my two least favourite things, get petrol, and go to the cashpoint. Quite why this such an ordeal I don't ...
All Night Long (All Night)
Harry and I were listening to the shuffle on my ipod in the car the other day when Come Dancing by The Kinks came on. Imagine my pride when he announced it was one of his favourite songs, not many 11 year old boys would make that claim!Shortly after the Ipod shuffled on to a song from a Motown album, you probably know it, "All night long" by Lionel Richie. Harry liked this song as well, I am neither here or there with it, it is fine, but not ...