Is There 5 Billion Planet Earths?
My dad gave me a few copies of the New Scientist when I visited him last week. He told me I would find them interesting, but I wasn’t sure if he was taunting me. I was perpetually ‘worst in class’ when it came to understanding how letters could be numbers, so I was not sure if this would be the mag for me. However, I was pleasantly surprised. It’s got loads of stuff about vaccines, the weather, geography, geology, the lot. It also has a ...
The Pathway to Freedom From Covid-19
So, the pathway to freedom is here. After 10 months of upheaval and uncertainty, we can see a route to freedom with the announcement vaccines are coming to the rescue. It’s a remarkable achievement and a vital one too, as there appeared to be no simple end to this crisis. However, there are potholes along the way. Distribution, anti-vaxers and the time it will take to push down the R rate would, it appears, mean that normality will take ...
Christmas Ending up in Tiers
No one knows what is going on anymore. Not me, not you, not anyone. The term ‘yesterday’s chip paper’, came about as an expression that bad news would soon be forgotten. Now, we are in a period when it should be known as ‘an hour a go’s chip paper’. It is little wonder that Priti Patel and the government could get away with covering up her bullying antics. They all knew that by Monday, something else would have taken the story ...
Corruption Suspicion? Write to the Government Anti-Corruption Champion
One thing many people have noticed recently, is corruption in UK politics. Before Covid-19 hit, it was non-existent freight companies with terms and conditions from a fast-food menu. However, it was the good old coronavirus that sent allegations of corruption into overdrive. PPE, Test & Trace and Vaccines Suddenly, newly formed PPE, Test & Trace, and vaccine companies, saw money flying around like confetti at a gangster’s ...
The Oven Ready Custard Pie in the Face!
The Withdrawal Agreement should be a bit boring. However, it hasn’t turned out that way if you are interested in geopolitics and economics, which you should be. Your livelihood and way of life will depend on it. The Withdrawal Agreement establishes the terms of our departure from the EU, in accordance with Article 50 of the Treaty of the European Union. It came into force on 1 February 2020, after having been agreed on 17 October ...