
Chineham shopping Centre-Don’t Do It To Yourself

Posted on December 30, 2009

I have wasted today, partly due to my own lack of drive, and partly because the boys and I stayed up far to late last night. As a result, when the boys returned to their Mum today, I became lost in a haze of listlessness and boredom as the hours dragged by on this cold, bleak and sodden day.My original plan was to play golf with friends, but the driving rain put paid to that, leaving me trying to find some inspiration to fill the hours, which ...

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Posted on December 30, 2009

Christmas this year has been really nice, which makes it a bit un blogworthy, as it has all gone according plan, with nice days out, nice food, and time spent with close family and friends, so I am sorry, and at the same time happy to say that there are no disasters or dramas to report.Had Di got me more involved in cooking or organising Christmas lunch I am sure things might have been more interesting, but she took it upon herself to keep me ...

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Happy Christmas Everyone

Posted on December 24, 2009

All the snow is receeding now that milder air has moved in from the west, which is both a relief and a shame. We are now, on Christmas Eve, surrounded by slush and mud, which looks a bit depressing after all the snow, but at least people can now get around, which for most is a god send, but for some a bit of a blow, as it would have been an ideal excuse not to visit Auntie Maud on Christmas Day. I have a bit of rushing around to do, but I have ...

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Hatch Warren Makes The Headlines

Posted on December 22, 2009

Hatch Warren has been all over the national news today, with up to 2000 abandoned cars in the area as commuters got stranded in the rush hour.Fingers will get pointed at gritters, weather forecasters, and emergency services in my opinion the facts are as follows:1/ I don't care what they say the weather forecasters were wrong. Yesterday morning they predicted a band of rain sleet and possibly hill snow moving north. There were no weather ...

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Chaos in The Snow

Posted on December 21, 2009

Basingstoke came to a standstill this afternoon in one of the most chaotic snowstorms I have seen. 4-5 inches of snow came down in a couple of hours and it is still coming down as I write this blog. It took 3 hours to get five miles across town as cars slid off the road and got abandoned, it was cracking fun, I love it.What started out as drizzle quickly turned in to snow and the heavens opened, it was really spectacular, and the pictures don't ...

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