Thaw On The Way?
As I smugly predicted in my previous blog, the snow Armageddon rumours for Sunday were totally unfounded to the extent that we saw about a centimetre of the white stuff in Basingstoke. I bet 28 loaf woman from Waitrose is delighted she read the Daily Express, rather than taking the more logical route of looking at the Met Office forecast, which in itself, still haunted by the 1987 Michael Fish "incident" exaggerated the scale of the weekend ...
Hysteria Sets In
A few things have happened today that I am struggling to come to terms with. Firstly the boys school remains closed for reasons that escape me. The roads are clear for teachers to get there, and nearly all the kids at Brighton Hill School live around the Hatch Warren area, easily accessible by foot. Kids going to school in the snow could easily had topical educational benefit from going to classes. Art could have been snow sculpturing, Geography ...
A Very Genuine Winter
Winter continues it's very icy grip in the UK with the Central South rather unusually being the epicentre of the heaviest snow, in Hatch Warren we escaped with a mere 6-8 inches in the last 24 hours, but Oxford had a foot or more, this is really quite exceptional stuff not seen for 30 years or more. Since mid December the maximunm temperature I have seen in my car is 4c and we are set to stay below freezing for at least the next five days with ...
The People You Meet In Pubs!!!
Diane and I went for a few drinks in The Grey Hound in Broughton last night where we met the local Buffalo Farmer, Daegan and his friend Jaroslav (Pictured below) and what an interesting night it turned out to be!!!Jaroslav is an artist who originates from Prague. He came to London as a visitor in 1968, during his 10 day visit, the Russian tanks rolled in to Prague, shut the borders, and Jaroslav never went back. In effect he escaped the ...
Happy New Year!!!
Happy 2010 everyone. So what are you going for? Is it to be Twenty Ten, or Two Thousand and Ten? I think it will be Two Thousand and Ten for me, Twenty Ten sounds a bit American, though saying that, in History we have always learnt about Ten Sixty Six, not One Thousand and Sixty Six, and America didn't even exist then.I suppose if we go with Twenty rather than Two Thousand, it will make the Cricket Twenty20 world Cup pretty interesting in Twenty ...