John Terry
I have decided to wait a few days before doing a blog on John Terry, just to see what the fall out was from his affair with Wayne Bridge's ex girlfriend. I also wanted to know more about the truth behind the lines but this is not forthcoming at the moment."Cheer up mate you can shag my missus, she is a French lingerie model"Firstly though, I must say that Radio shows, TV, Newspapers, and politicians have all been jumping to moral conclusions ...
The Broughton Pantomine
After several months of practice, the annual Broughton Pantomime went on show this weekend, and what fun it was to see Harry involved and enjoying himself. It was an excellent community effort from all those involved.The people of Broughton must be proud of these events of which I have been to many now, the camaraderie shown by everyone is heart warmingly English, but sadly rare in Hampshire village life nowadays. I lived in the picturesque ...
It’s Graupeling Down Outside
It is amazing for a weather bore like me, that until yesterday I had never heard of precipitation called Graupel. Had you? Well the next time (it happened today funnily enough) you are caught in a winter shower, and little polystyrene beads bounce off the road, don't let anyone tell you it is sleety hail or something. Put them right, and tell them that, actually, it is a Graupel shower. By doing this, you will be well on the way to becoming a ...
New Layout For Blog
As always in life sometimes it is time for a change of scenery, and I am such a boring bastard I have spent the evening changing the face of my blog. Most notable is the comments section at the bottom of each blog. Some people have said they have tried to comment but have been unable to, as they are not fellow bloggers. You will be ecstatic to learn that this is now possible by clicking comment, and ticking the box either saying Name/URL if you ...
Unreliable Staff Required
Here's a funny old story I saw on the web today. Apparently, Nicole Mamo from Devonwood Recruitment was told that she could not advertise for reliable staff because of the offence it may cause to the unreliable!?!?I can't be sure if this is to be deemed politically correct, or just an error that makes a good story, but if this is based on truth, and is not just a right wing rant, where does it leave an average member of society? This sort of ...