King Of Shaves-The Response
I had a message of Friday from a chap called Will King (founder of King of Shaves) regarding my recent Blogs on the various qualities and price of Razors. Now you have to be impressed with that, K.O.S is a company on the money with their marketing and research. Will is sending me the new King of Shaves Azor M with V2 Cartridge which sounds to me, like an incredibly fast car. I can almost hear that lovable prick Jeremy Clarkson....."Introducing ...
"The King Of Shaves?……Not Quite"
The grandly titled "King of Shaves" razor has turned out to be something of a disappointment, more like "The 26th In Line To The Throne of Shaves" if truth be known (though their shaving oil is very good). It didn't remove the first layer of skin like the Sainsbury's Potato Peeler, but I must say, it is not in the same league as Gillette (The best a man can get). I am yet to try Wilkinson Sword, but it looks like, rather sadly, I am going to ...
Gillette The Best A Man Can Get???
With the potential of money becoming really tight in this spiteful recession, I decided this weekend, for probably the first time in my working life, to undertake the futile exercise of seeing where all my money goes when I am in Sainsburys.My list was pretty ordinary, bread, milk, mince, sausages, eggs, orange juice, kitchen towels, bin liners and razors, and an uneventful twenty minutes beckoned, because in reality all the listed items were ...
Question Time-The Verdict
After my slagging of the BBC, and the all women audience on QT, I was at my two faced best last night, sitting down with at glass of Wine at Di's house to watch on with interest, and I have to admit it was an engrossing, and lively debate.The beginning was as auspicious as it gets, with the camera scanning the audience of women in outfits from The Sunday Express Sunday Supplement, and a soul, almost obligatory Muslim, bussed in so as the BBC ...
The BBC Are Really Pissing Me Off!
Just when I thought the BBC couldn't surpass themselves for their continued employment of Garth Crooks as football pundit, and the dreadful Jackie Oatwell as a Match of The Day commentator, they have come up with an absolute blinder in attempt to be right on and clever. They have, and this is true, decided somewhere in the bowels of their organisation, to have a woman only audience on this weeks Question Time. Priceless absolutely ...