
Procrastination that Failed a Nation

Posted on January 26, 2021

When I am working, I have had to get myself into the habit of dealing with boring matters as they come into my email box before they become an escalating problem. I have this terrible habit of ignoring the uninteresting, yet vital things, until it is almost too late. I’m a bit like the kid at the breakfast table frantically doing his homework on its due date a full three weeks after it has been set. Proactive Satisfaction The funny ...

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Can Science Stamp out the Covid Fires?

Posted on January 18, 2021

Ever since I became an amateur epidemiologist last March, I have been following the Coronavirus epidemic with morbid fascination. The amount I have learnt is negligible, but I can say with confidence, I know more than I did a year ago, when I didn’t even know what a virus was. If, like me, you have (*rapidly taps wooden desk*) avoided these things over the years, it is understandable not to know anything about them. The reason I took an ...

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Here We Go Again

Posted on January 4, 2021

Lockdown had to happen. In many ways, when it did, I was quite relieved. The longer we were waiting for the inevitable, the more people were being infected and the longer we would have to wait for a countdown out of this crisis.   At least now, we can look forward (with more than a hint of trepidation) hoping for a bit of luck and a fair wind with the vaccine roll out.  I don’t know what would happen if the vaccine didn’t work ...

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Well, This is all Going to Plan…

Posted on December 21, 2020

I heard a lot of people on the Radio this morning saying that the new strain of Covid-19 is the worst possible news. It’s not though is it? The worst possible news would be if it were vaccine resistant, which, by all accounts, it isn’t. In a way it has done everyone a favour, as it has rid us of the wacky theory of a five-day free for all to wipe out half the population of pensioners. Anyone with common sense knew it was a stupid idea in ...

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Forget Fishing, The Deal is all About Standards

Posted on December 14, 2020

I was speaking to a work colleague the other day and he was adamant that British standards wouldn’t change after a No Deal Brexit (If it happens). His theory is that British companies are renown for operating over and above EU regulations with regards to workers rights, the environment and health & safety. What I tried to point out is regulations are not put in place to stop good people operating. They are there to stop crooks producing ...

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