I have finally purchased my season tickets for an extravaganza of nearly top flight football at Reading FC. However, after relentlessly pursuing me for with emails and mail shots, Reading suddenly went cold on me, and via their fantastic website did everything they could to stop me releasing my money, behaving a bit like a women who flirts with a man with provocative outfits and subtle come ons, before telling the poor bastard to clear off when ...
I have just eaten four satsumas. "Why have you done this?" I hear you cry. Well, it's because at Sainsburys, if you buy a bag of satsumas you get another one free, and I have had to force feed myself the last four before they go off, that way I am getting value for money you see.I do this all the time, fruit juice is another, four for £3.00 meaning that my fridge is rammed with breakfast, orange, and banana juice that I keep forgetting to ...
I forgot to wake my children up for their last morning at School yesterday, and as it was a half day, I decided to let them stay in bed as it was no educational benefit rushing them in for a couple of hours. Twenty minutes later I had a letter from the school congratulating them on above 95% attendance. How ironic, I thought, but was this irony or was it just coincidence? I have studied the Internet, and I am still not sure how to define this ...
Following on from my blog about my childhood at home, my mind started whirring away and picked up faded memories of what school was like in the 1970's and early 80's. My first school was Burnham Copse Infants school which is now a housing association estate. My memories are vague, though I can recall temporary type buildings and a concrete cat's head in the playground. I am maybe second guessing here by think my my first teacher was called Mrs ...
After years of growth, excessive spending, borrowing and lending, it would appear we are heading in to a period of unprecedented austerity. The old saying 'If I hadn't had such riches, I could live with being poor' will be making a strong comeback.I was chatting about this to friends in the pub the other night, and we had a right laugh reminiscing childhood experiences of the seventies, a time when most people had a pretty basic lifestyle, ...