
Oh The Youth Of Today!!!

Posted on September 11, 2010

On Radio 5 the other day there was a phone in based around whether the you of today were any more badly behaved than generations past. The general consensus was that teenagers get a pretty raw deal on the whole, and though many go through disruptive periods of varying degrees, so did all the generations before them. I must say that when I am served by students at Sainsburys they are always polite and helpful, though it is the norm for them not ...

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Am I Obese?

Posted on September 8, 2010

Now here's a thing, I had what is known as an In Body 720 Body Composition Analysis the other day and if I was the worrying type, which I am, I should be rather concerned, if not alarmed.Basically speaking, I am 42 years old 12 stone 3 pounds, and 5 foot seven and two fag papers tall.Here is my assessment:MUSCLE FATWeight: OverSkeletal muscle Mass: OverBody Fat Mass: OverOBESITY DIAGNOSISBody Mass Index: OverPer cent body fat: OverWaist Hip ...

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Posted on September 6, 2010

The World Of The News can exclusively reveal today that an unnamed professional football player has taken out a super injunction to prevent tabloid newspapers printing revealing details of his private life alleging that he has been faithful to his wife, and has not had an affair with a prostitute, lingerie model, or a lap dancer.The footballer, who plays football for a football team in the Premier League which consists of 19 other football ...

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Summer Draws To A Close

Posted on September 3, 2010

This week we have had a taste of what might been during the kids Summer holidays as the blues skies returned and the sun shone over Hampshire for the first time in several weeks, but the cool misty Autumnal skies over Basingstoke this morning gave a taster for what is to come in the coming months. Quite why we still have the kids holidays in August is beyond me as it is often turbulent and wet, and this year has been worse than we normally ...

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Posted on September 2, 2010

You can't get treated as poorly anywhere as you can as a football fan, particularly if you are unfortunate enough to support Reading Football Club, who make it their mission statement to con their supporters (or should I say customers) with regular monotony. As you may have witnessed a couple of weeks ago on this blog, I went through a customer service nightmare in an attempt to buy a couple of season tickets, it would now appear that it was ...

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