
I Dont Hate Everyone-Honest!

Posted on October 5, 2010

I have come in for some unwarranted stick recently from certain people and my children about how I am a grumpy old git who hates everyone and everything. That's not fair, there are some people I like, and I don't really hate anyone, as no one has actually caused me that much harm to be honest.Before I start about that, just for Diane's benefit, yes she is right, my day at Gun Wharf wasn't as bad as I portrayed, as I did get to spend an hour sat ...

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Bobs Blog Reader Offer!!!

Posted on October 2, 2010

After the recent publication on my blog showing the John Wayne Cuckoo clock, I have created my very own masterpiece from the not renowned Bob Lethaby Exchange on request from collector of fine arts, Mr Trevor Hickman. This rare "King In A Spitfire" collectors piece is available to Bob Lethaby Blog readers only, so hurry to avoid disappointment.Just imagine this, a sunny June day over the white cliffs of Dover, in the distance yousee a plane......

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Gun Wharf Quay

Posted on October 1, 2010

I took a day off with Diane yesterday and went to the Gun Wharf Quay Shopping Centre, and I am sorry to report that I found it one of the most soulless places I have ever been to. It stinks of recession, there is hardly anyone there, all the shops and restaurants are empty, and the people who are there look either miserable, or not particularly pleasant, unless you are in to tracksuits and devil dogs.Gun Wharf was built about 10 years ago as ...

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John Wayne American Icon Cuckoo Clock!

Posted on September 28, 2010

I was flicking through the Sunday tabloids on..............Sunday would you believe, and as I turned over page after page of utter dross revolving around footballers and prostitutes, I eventually came across something of real quality.........a John Wayne American Icon Cuckoo Clock, as seen below!!You need send no money now, and this timeless masterpiece of handcrafted genius can be all yours for just £149.95 or in five installments of just ...

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Chris Moyles-What a Prick!

Posted on September 23, 2010

Ever since I first heard arrogant Leeds born super twat Chris Moyles on the Radio, he has been right up there in my top ten British twats list, and his latest pathetic outburst on Radio One has confirmed what I have always suspected about the cretinous prick. If you had not heard, poor old Chris hasn't been paid by the BBC for two months due to an administrative cock up within the BBC payroll department.Whilst I accept that this must be annoyi...

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