I Have Had Enough of Liverpool
A friend of mine was a bit critical of me at the weekend saying that I shouldn't generalise about Liverpudlians. Maybe there are Liverpudlians out there that don't think of their city as some sort Republic, independent from the rest of the UK, that deserves some sort of sympathy for what has gone wrong for their deluded, declining, shitty little football club. If there is, I wish they would stand up for themselves, because nearly everyone I know ...
Happy Birthday Sir Cliff Richard
Though he doesn't look a day over 20, the original Peter Pan of Pop is 70 today! Happy birthday Sir Cliff enjoy your day, you deserve it. As a celebration I have listed below some interesting Cliff facts.Cliff at Home yesterdayLike fellow singing star Freddie Mercury, Cliff was born in India. Singing, and Country of birth was all they had in common though, as Cliff is definitely not Gay.Like Freddie Mecury (Farrokh Bulsara) Cliff has changed his ...
Miners Free At Last- Why Aren’t I Crying With Joy?
Sometimes it must be great to be a Radio news presenter, you just get those days when there is so much going on. Today we have England failing to beat Montenegro, Liverpool FC's chairmen being ousted from the club, and the biggest story of all, the Chilean miners being rescued from seven hundred metres below the ground (I didn't know it was Christmas already).To be stuck down there for all that time must have been a living hell for those chaps, ...
Preposterous Tales of Pub Bullshitters
I got in to a conversation the other week in a pub with a guy who had recently been working as a relief manager for a pub chain. One of the pubs that he took on was a clean up operation that no on else would entertain as it was in Moss Side, Manchester. He heroically entered the building with armed police officers, and Alsatian dogs and fought a lengthy and violent hand to hand battle with the drug dealers who owned the pub. Shots were fired, ...
It’s Back!!!
My hypocrisy knows no boundaries, I spout off on my blog page about how much I hate reality shows like the X Factor and it's ego maniac host, then I sit glued to The Apprentice a reality TV show with an ego maniac host. If there was a band called The Hypocrites I would be the lead singer, I should be ashamed of myself really, my only is excuse is that in my opinion, I think Simon Cowell is a child abuser, whilst Alan (I am not going to call him ...