What A Bad Week This Is
I am not having the best of weeks this week, I have a heavy cold and sore hip joint, plus I stayed up to watch England fail at cricket after I stupidly caved in despite my anti Murdoch stance and signed up to Sky for the much anticipated Ashes series. Staying up all night and paying good money to see an irritating Aussie taking a hat trick against our middle order batsmen was not what I anticipated, but I should have expected it I ...
The State Of The national Game
I had an experience of enlightenment the other day when I went to watch the local U15 football team play in what was regarded as a big Hampshire cup game. The reason I did this was because a fair few of the lads play for our cricket team and are friends with my son George, and the manager of the team helps me with the local cricket team. Consequently I know them quite well, and I also know them as talented sportsmen, some are ...
I Really Can’t Get My Head Round The Monetary System
So it looks like we are going help our neighbours across the Irish Sea with a seven billion pounds loan. Correct me if I am wrong, but is that seven thousand million pounds, I thought we were broke? All these public service cuts were supposed to be enforced because we are skint, yet we can find seven billion pounds. The argument goes that the Irish will pay it back with interest. How are they going to do that then, they haven't got any ...
Oh To Be A Weatherman!
One of the best presents I received for my birthday on Wednesday was an external thermometer which sticks on your window and gives you what would appear to be a very accurate reading of the outside temperature with the added bonus of recording the day time highs and lows...............please, stop, don't turn your computer off, this is really interesting honestly, so stay with it!When I was a young boy I became friendly with the local ...
43 Not Out and a Royal Wedding
I hit 43 today, which is in some eyes is pretty insignificant, but to me it is something of a milestone as I have now outlived my Grandad (my Mothers Father) who died of high blood pressure at 42, and I now stand 20 years behind my Mother who died of the same thing at 63. I have fluctuating blood pressure which is a combination of a hereditary condition and lifestyle, and it doesn't take a doctor to tell me that when I am exercising, my pressure ...