
Search Words

Posted on December 6, 2010

I have an account attached to my Blog which tells me bits of information about who and what type of people read my blog, how often they view it and what search words they use. Don't worry it doesn't indicate who you are personally, it just says the name of the server, for example SKYor BT internet and what part of the country the page viewer comes from. Actually it doesn't always, as when Diane (my girlfriend) views it, it says BT internet (St ...

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England Get the Cold Shoulder

Posted on December 3, 2010

There isn’t really any point in England bidding for the World Cup in its current format as any money spent on a technical bid is wasted. It would appear that our technical bid was miles ahead of Russia as was America’s and Australia’s against Qatar for 2022. It begs the question, what is the point of a technical bid if it counts for nothing in a bidding process? If it's for a new nation like Russia, tell us not to bid and let them have ...

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Still Cold-Oh to be South African?

Posted on December 1, 2010

Jesus Christ, roll on the week-end when milder air moves in, it is so bloody cold I can't bare it much longer. I went to Salisbury shopping today with my girlfriend and I saw a little old bloke with a slight limp shuffling alongside me through the High St.......................it was my reflection!!! Even Diane commented about how hunched up I was and told me to walk properly, but I couldn't. It was horrible, my ankle and knee joints ...

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I Can’t Get Warm

Posted on November 29, 2010

I am so cold it is incredible, no matter what I try, I just can't warm up. This must be a combination of getting older, fighting off a common cold, and the extraordinary weather we have been having over the last ten days or so. Of course I don't need to tell this to anyone locally, you know how bloody cold it is, but to my readers in Australia who are lapping up the sun and watching cricket at a sensible hour, we are experi...

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Do Role Models Really Exist?

Posted on November 26, 2010

So much is talked about sport stars or pop stars being idols or role models to our children but I am beginning to think, in fact I know this is total bullshit. None of my children idolise anyone, and I don't see that disposition in any of their friends either. They like varying things and moderately admire certain comedians, singers or sports players, but I don't see any of them trying or wanting to be ...

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