Christmas shopping all Done as the Cold Snap Continues
The last few days have been pretty hectic, but I am managing to get things done that women can do with their eyes shut. This includes sending cards, visiting relatives and buying gifts, not to mention wrapping paper and sellotape. I have even purchased a tree plus some lights and decorations, so no humbugs in my house this year, I am trying to treat it as a season to be jolly and I am generally succeeding I think. I have even been ...
The Austin Maxi 1750
I saw an Austin Maxi today, which must be rarer than seeing a Swallow in January, it is the first one I have seen for years, and it was pretty immaculate. If you are wondering what the relevance of this unusual sighting is, the Maxi, (if you discount a Mini I wrote off a week after purchase) was my first proper car, handed down to me by my Father shortly after I passed my test at the third time of asking on my 20th ...
Christmas Cards
I sent out a batch of Christmas cards late last week, which to be honest is a major achievement for me as there are five major steps to sending them that makes it a much harder task than it may seem, especially for someone of my unquestionable ineptitude.Here they are:Purchasing the cardsPurchasing the stampsWriting a message in themFinding the address of the intended recipientPutting them in a letterboxDealing with Christmas cards is right ...
I Have Travelled 9% of the World
I have just completed a travel map of the world that shows I have travelled 9% of our planet in my life time, that's not very impressive is it? My first excursion abroad was in 1983 on a camping trip to the Loire Valley in France with my parents and I have since visited Germany, Spain, Belgium, Poland, Norway, Jersey, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Turkey, the Canaries, India, North America (Washington, Florida, Nevada) and Tunisia. ...
Beware the Wounded Aussie
It was a pleasant experience going to bed last night at an hour that was reasonable, it was a lovely deep sleep that was definitely required by cricket fans across the country. All credit must go to Australia as their final day collapse at least meant we were all tucked up at around 2.00am on Tuesday morning celebrating victory before the rain crashed down in Adelaide, albeit to late to save Australian blushes. They were totally outclassed and ...