
Has Pop Gone Posh?

Posted on February 7, 2011

I was reading a debate the other that claims that pop has gone posh and future working class heroes in the mould of The Jam, The Smiths, The Stone Roses and Oasis will be crushed and not allowed access to the narrow corridors of the music industry which are dominated by executives from privileged privately educated backgrounds. I really hope this is not the case, but the rise in recent years of artists such as Coldplay, James Blunt, Florence and ...

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Please Sign This Forestry Commission Petition

Posted on February 4, 2011

If you do one good thing this weekend, please sign the petition to save Britain's forests from a public sell off by clicking here. I have been accused by some on this Blog of writing too many political rants, decide for yourself if this is one, but this ridiculous, preposterous, ludicrous plan can be nothing more than another Conservative ideology or propaganda attack against the previous Government that we have been led to ...

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AWE Aldermaston – Final Part

Posted on January 31, 2011

At 9.00am everyday at the AWE a man would announce through the P.A system the time, the day and the date before testing the nuclear air raid siren which would send a chill through my body even though it was just a dummy run and it happened every morning. This announcement also signalled when Anne would ask for any office joviality to end and for working in silence to begin. Of course any real work I had to do ...

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AWE Aldermaston – Part Two

Posted on January 26, 2011

I arrived on my first day at Aldermaston (or "behind the wire" as it was affectionately known) full of trepidation. I had to go through my security procedures at the main gate, then I was handed a plastic pass on a chain which I was to show to heavily armed policemen on arrival and departure. I was informed by Russell my immediate boss that he had found me the right mix of people to work with in A6 rather than the old fuddy duddies in F6.1, ...

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AWE Aldermaston – Part One

Posted on January 24, 2011

My recent, and thankfully successful quest for part-time work to prop up my ailing business forced me to do something I hadn't done since 1994. Write a CV. Bloody hell it was difficult remembering dates and job titles, but I got there in the end. After leaving school in 1984 fully equipped with a bleak looking list of qualifications and an assessment from a careers adviser that suggested the Army, Barclays bank or an apprenticeship at ...

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